For Such a time as this

Together, we make a difference

In one of history’s greatest moments of decision, the people of God were faced with a huge challenge while away in captivity. Apparently, the enemies of God wanted to destroy the entire race of Israel. During this time, one Queen Esther, a Jewish herself, was faced with a call to go plead for the preservation of the rest of the people of God before the king. In exhortation to this request, Mordecai, Esther’s Uncle, made such a powerful statement.

“…… and who knows whether you are come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b

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In Uganda, there is no government social care services readily available to these children to access or even support readily available. It’s therefore left to individual volunteers like Wilberforce, Paul and the entire volunteer team to make a difference and we can’t go much further without your support.

In this journey of life, it is things we do for others that matter in the long run. The contribution we make with our lives is something worth celebrating. It is indeed living for others that defines our course and purpose in life.